1、Geographical location
Shidao New Harbor is situated at east longitude of 122°26’42”, north latitude of 36°52’57”, the most east end of Shandong Peninsula---Shidao of Rongcheng, next to Korea and Japan across the sea, the nearest place from China to Korea. There were residents here since Spring and Autumn phase of China, it became important business center of east coast in Sui and Tang dynasty; there were crowds of merchants here at the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, it was called Small Shanghai and Small Hong Kong of North China then. Shidao was twice mentioned in book of Tactics for Establishment of a Country written by Sun Zhongshan and it, together with Shanghai and Guangzhou, were called Three Large Harbors in East China.
2、Distribution of Berth:
Shidao New Harbor has a total length of 3950m, depth of harbor basin is from -9 to -11m, there are 16 berths now, including 7 berths possessing 10000t or above. It is predicted that there will be 20 increased berths, depth of water will be from -11 to -15m after the third construction.
3、Hydrology and weather
ide: irregular semidiurnal tide, average tidal range: 1.72m, max tidal range: 2.98m, average high-water interval: 2hour and 27minutes, average low-water interval: 8hours and 15minutes, average high-water height: 2046m, average low-water height: 0.86m, average sea level: 1.66
Tidal current: northwest current while spring tide, southeast current while ebb tide in the harbor. Velocity of flow in the harbor is less than 0.5kts, while 1 to 2 outside the harbor. Spring tide direction near the harbor is north and northwest, velocity of flow is 0.9kts. Ebb tide direction is east and northeast, velocity of flow is 1kts. While at two sides in the west of the island in southwest of Moye island, Spring tide direction is south current and ebb tide is north current.
Temperature: average temperature of the year: 11.8℃, highest temperature: 37℃, lowest temperature: 15℃
Atmospheric water: average atmospheric water: 860mm
Wind: constant wind direction is to the north, frequency is 17%, next constant wind direction is to the northwest by north, frequency is 15%, strong breeze is northeast by north. There is obvious characteristic of monsoon, northeast and northwest wind in winter and autumn; southwest wind in spring; southeast wind in summer for most time.
Fog: average foggy days of the year: 52.7 days, most of which are from April to July covering 75% of the year, max foggy days are 79, min no. is 29, foggy days every year are May, June and July.
Ice: Shidao New Harbor is ice-free port, there is very few floating ice in some specific year without effect on navigation.
Shidao New Harbor has excellent geographical location and is main drag for transportation between south and north on the sea. Port Inspection Ministry, such as CIQ, Inspection& Quarantine, border inspection and maritime affairs, will work at locale. There is a complete set of special machinery on the dock: 6 sets container shore bridge from 30.5T to 40.5T, 6 container field cranes, 5 container frontal cranes, 7 hoists, 150 Si Tai er container trailers, 1 set 320T floating crane, 4 sets trailers from 2600horsepower to 3600 horsepower, one environmental protection oil-clean tanker, 2 sets 8000T mud scow. Max hoisting ability is 320t, max loading of Container Bridge crane is 40.5t, sponson distance is 38m, average quantity of work per hour of one machine is 28 natural containers, average quantity of work per hour of one ship is 60 natural container, max handling amount round the clock is 2800TEU.